For my multiplicity project I used the Eraser Tool and Move tool to put the pictures together. This project was fun to put together. The Composition and Saturation of the photos was fun to adjust. These were all edited in Photoshop.
For my project, I used a slow Shutter Speed, and a large Apature to capture the shots at night. I adjusted the Brightnes and Contrast to fix some of the photos as well as the Curves to adjust the lighting.
For my Panography project, I Batched and put together 5 photos. I desaturated them, and distorted them to add to their completeness. Then I flattened the layers to make it one layer, and added a filter.
Three of four pictures and summary - I have one more picture I will post tomorrow
Multiplicity was all about masking and working with a lot of layers. Also, editing the exposure helped make it look real, and the contrast as well. There was no cropping involved because the picture was already set up, all you had to do was use the brush tool.
For my portraits I did a lot of masking. I destaturated some photos to make them look better. I used the cross-processing tutorial on one of my photos. I had to change the exposure and contrast on some pictures. In this project, I also learned about shooting in the studio with the lights.